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ABOUT URSPEC                                                                                                           URSPEC  features

             WHY URSPEC?                                                                                                          Funtionality + Style + Comfort

             • Strengthens your corporate                                                                                          URSPEC  PPE Customization Program
               identity                                                                                                            offers functionality, style and comfort to
             • Builds industry recognition                                                                                         your PPE items. It will strengthens your
             • Creates a professional image        PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED LOGOS                                                   corporate identity by adding up your     REFLECTIVE STRIPPING
             • Provides on-the-job recognition     URSPEC  logo is the perfect method to represent your company.                   company logo and color, builds industry  URSPEC provides unique customized reflective product that
             • Increases employee pride                                                                                            recognition and creates a professional
                                                   Embroidered or printed images can be applied to the garments at                 image for your employees.                enhance the wearer’s safety where geater visibility is essential.
                                                   the size and position you require. Offers a wide selection of emblem                                                     The importance of being seen can’t be under estimated – it can
             Safety Improved                       background and border combinations are available.                                                                        play a big part in preventing accidents and saving lives.
             Right workwear can play a large       Types of logos:                                                                                                                 TYPE               COLOR                SIZE

             role in on-the-job safety, providing                                                                                                                            • FR Reflective Tape  • Grey            • One inch
             necessary protection from workplace          Computerized            Silk screen        Heat Press                                                                                  • Yellow            • Two inches

             hazards. A well-designed uniform             embroidery             Printing                  Printing                                                          • Non-FR Reflective  • Yellow-Grey-Yellow
             program focuses on safety, comfort,                                                                                                                               Tape
             durability and nature of the work            COMPUTERIZED EMBROIDERY                                                                   Reflective tapes
             being performed.                                                                                                                                               FLAME RETARDANT REFLECTIVE TAPE
                                                   Computerized embroidery compared to print is more three                                                                  Flame retardant (FR) reflective tapes is specially made for high
             Security Enhanced                     dimensional, offering high lustre and textured effects. It is                                                            visibility warning clothing such as flame resistant occupational
                                                   associated with quality, adding value to product in both the visual                      Work Jacket                     workwear and firefighting suits where an increased visibility is
             A consistent uniform program adds                                                                                                                              required. Our FR reflective tapes conforms to both ANSI/ISEA
             to the security of a job site. Requiring  and tactile field of consumer appreciation. Name tags can also                                                       107-2010 & EN ISO 20471.
             employees to wear recognizable        be customized using computerized embroidery.
             clothing makes it easier to keep tabs  Available borders:                                                                                                      NON-FR REFLECTIVE TAPE
             and identifies them from clients                                                                                                                               Non-FR reflective tape is pressure-sensitive, engineering grade
             which are important factors in todays                                                                                                                          and can stand up to adverse weather conditions, including
             security-conscious world.                                                                                                                                      moisture and heat. It is a flexible and made of reflective material
                                                                                                                                                                            primarily used to increase the nighttime conspicuity of clothing.
             Image Registered
             Customers can often be reluctant                                                                                                                               OTHER PPE CUSTOMIZATION:
             to open their doors to workers they   Screen printing is the most versatile of all printing processes as it
             can’t immediately identify. Employees  can be used to print on a wide variety of substrates and materials                   Printed logo                       CUSTOMIZED NAME TAGS
                                                                                                                                                                            Name badges provide a myriad of advantages. It can make a
             in uniform are easily recognizable,   of any shape, thickness and size. Because of the simplicity of the                                                       positive impact on your customer service culture. Name tags
             putting your customers at ease and    application process, a wider range of inks and dyes are available                                                        build your employees identity, help address one another and
             helping to ensure repeat business.    for use in screen printing than for use in any other printing process.
                                                                                                                                                                            improves security in the workplace.
             Get the Benefits of Mobile                                                                                                                                     REINFORCEMENT & POCKET DESIGNS
             Advertising                                  HEAT PRESS PRINTING                                                       Embroidered company logos               A wide variety of workwears can be customized with knee and
             Logo-imprinted apparel works double   A heat press is a machine engineered to imprint a design or graphic                                                      elbow reinforcements for added durability. Optional pocket designs
             duty if your staffs are out on job    on a substrate, such as a work shirt, with the application of heat                                                       for better funtionality of your workwear are also available.
             sites making sales or service calls.  and pressure for a preset period of time. A heat press utilizes the                                                      URSPEC CUSTOM GARMENT
             Everywhere an employee goes,          heat and pressure produced by the piece of equipment to imprint                                                          Measured & Tailored-made just for you! URSPEC Custom Garment
             your logo goes, thus building added   a graphic or design on to a qualifying item.                                    WorkShirt                                offer customized pattern, size & design just made for your uniform
             awareness and name recognition.                                                                                                                                program.
                                                                                                                                                             PPE Bag

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