P. 19

Proximity SUit  INDUSTRIAL
             PROXIMITY SUIT

                                                      Dome style hood
              Style and Design:
 Style and Design:
 Style and Design:  Style and Design:                with Polycarbonate
                                                     lens with a gold film                            up to
                                                      Hard cap (ratchet)
           • Lightly insulated proximity suit that                                                 3000°F
             provides an impressive balance of
             protection and comfort                                                             (1650°C)
 up to     • Aluminized shell for protection from
             radiant heat and quilted Nomex
 2000°F      thermal barrier for protection from
 (1000°C)    conductive and convective heat          closure and Velcro
                                                      Jacket with zipper
           • Aluminized outer shell reflects
             95% of radiant heat and withstands          storm fly
             radiant temperatures up to 3000°F
           • Constructed with durable                                                                    EN ISO 11612

 1971:2013    aluminized fiber glass that will not    3-finger gauntlet
                                                      style aluminized
             de-laminate under even the most             gloves
             demanding conditions
           • Wide range of industries and
             applications including aerospace,
             heat processing facilities, foundries    Pants has sewn-in                                            FIREFIGHTING PROTECTION
            and petrochemical plants                  suspenders and
                                                        Velcro fly

                                                     Designed to fit over
                                                        work boots

                                                                      Fabrics and Article Numbers
                                                        Article Numbers                  Standards
                                                                          • EN ISO 1161      • ASTM
                                                                          • Shell meets or exceeds the following:
                                                     Jacket - 47218FT500  - Radiant Heat: ISO 6942 / EN 366 / ASTM F1939
                                                     Trouser - 53218FT500  - Convective Heat: ISO 9151 / EN 367
                                                                          - Limited Flame Spread: ISO 15025 / EN 532
                                                                          - Molten Metal: ISO 9185 / EN 348 / ASTM F955
                                                                          - Abrasion Tear Resistance: ISO 13937 / EN 388
                                                                           Fabric Composition
                                                                 Outer Layer: Aluminized Texturized Fiberglass
                                                           Thermal Barrier: Q9 Quilted Nomex  Face Fabric and Batting
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