P. 32

T4X Thermal                                                                                                              NXT Thermal

            Imager                                                                                                                   Imager

              Style and Design:                                                                                                       Style and Design:

           • Ultra-High resolution 320 x 240                                                                                         • Equipped with X Factor technology                                          NFPA 1801
             detector                                                                                                                  and the industry’s longest battery                                         CERTIFIED
           • State-of-the-art thermal imager                                                                                           run time, the small & lightweight
             integrates an ultra-high resolution                                                                                     • NFPA 1801 Certified Bullard NXT                                                  SEE THE CLARITY.  FIVE YEAR
             infrared engine                                                             X Factor Technology                           lets firefighters focus on seeing the                                            THERMAL IMAGERS  W ARR ANT Y
           • Electronic Thermal Throttle , which                                         featuring  SUPER RED HOT                      most critical details in the heat of
             enables to optimize scenes with the                                             SEE THE CLARITY.                          the fire when they need it most
             touch of a button                                                                    FIVE YEAR                          • Bullard NXT is designed not only
                                                                                                  W ARR ANT Y
           • Oversized, 4.3" widescreen, digital                                             THERMAL IMAGERS                           for long-lasting service on the front
             LCD display                                                                                                               line but also low total cost of
           • 50º horizontal field of view                                                                                              ownership in the back office
           • 80º display viewing angle                                                                                               • Best image quality
           • Over 1100°F saturation temperature                                                                                      • Most desired form factor
           • ICE  superior infrared imagery                                                                                          • First wireless charging systems
           • T4X is distinguishable from other               Fast             Present           Electronic                           • Most proven durability                      Electronic
             thermal imagers with a cool, blue                                                Thermal Throttle®                      • Leading imager and battery               Thermal Throttle®
             metallic swirl color                                                                                                      warranty

            Eclipse LDX                                                                                                              QXT Thermal

            Thermal Imager                                                                                                           Imager

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SEE THE CLARITY.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FIVE YEAR
              Style and Design:                                                                                                       Style and Design:                                                                 THERMAL IMAGERS  W ARR ANT Y
           • The first low-cost, Ultra-small form                                                                                    • Simplicity and longevity define the
             factor, handheld thermal imager                                                                                           Bullard QXT Thermal Imager,
             designed to give “sight” to each                                                SEE THE CLARITY.  FIVE YEAR               equipped with X Factor technology
             firefighter inside a blaze.                                                     THERMAL IMAGERS  W ARR ANT Y              and the industry’s longest battery
           • Developed to provide firefighters                                                                                         run time
             navigational & search or rescue                                                                                         • With the QXT, firefighters can focus
             assistance                                                                                                                on seeing the most critical details
           • Uses infrared engine technology                                                                                           so they can make life-saving
             running at an ultra-fast 60 Hertz                                                                                         decisions while in the heat of the
             image update rate and incorporates                                                                                        fire                                        Electronic
             Image Contrast Enhancement (ICE )               Fast             Present         Thermal Throttle®                      • Best image quality                       Thermal Throttle®
             technology for the ultimate image                                                                                       • Most desired form factor
             performance in fire conditions.                                                                                         • First wireless charging systems
                                                                                                                                     • Proven durability

                                                                    Additional Product Information
                                                                    Item                      Article No.
                                                      Q. T4X Thermal Imager                  90177BD376
                                                      R. Eclipse LDX Thermal Imager          90177BD377

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