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Our special selection of fabrics are made from engineered advance fiber
                                 yarns with high degree of thermal stability and flame resitant properties.
                                 The unique molecular  structure of these yarn fibers makes them naturally
                                 flame resistant and  minimize burn injuries by creating a protective barrier
                                 between the heat source and the wearer’s skin.

                                      In addition to the more than three million firefighters worldwide who are
                                      protected by apparel made with Nomex , there are millions of other
                                      people around the globe, including military personnel, police officers,
                                      auto racing teams and industrial workers, who rely on the inherent heat
                                      and flame resistant properties and durability of Nomex  fiber to help keep
                                      them safe from the everyday hazards they face on the job.

                                      Nomex  also plays a critical role in helping to protect and improve the
                                      performance of a wide variety of things that are essential to our way
                                      of life, such as mass transit vehicles, wind turbine systems, aircraft
                                      components, electrical transformers and automotive components.

                                      Nomex  IIIA is a perfect head-to-toe protection against flash fire, electric
                                      arc and other dangerous conditions. It has unsurpassed flame resistance
          NOMEX  IIIA                 lightweight, breathable and exceptional durability.

                                    Fabric Features:
                                    Inherently flame resistant – FR properties are built-in and won’t washout.
                                    Meets & exceeds NFPA 2112 and NFPA 70E HRC1 performance standards.
                                    Proven Nomex performance – FR protection for a broad range of high
                                    risk industries.
                                    Excellent durability – Retains professional appearance, even after rugged
                                    use and multiple launderings.

          NOMEX          ®            Nomex Comfort has been developed on the basis of meta-aramid and
                                      para-aramid fibers. Aramid offers a high degree of thermal stability. Its heat
          COMFORT                     and flame resistant properties are permanent & shows an extreme strength.

                                    Fabric Features:
                                    Outstanding value – Suitable for application in metal, utilities, chemical,
                                    energy, construction, military sectors & as a liner for fire fighters’ station wear.
                                    Multi-risk protection – Protects against heat and flame, electric arc, static
                                    electricity and liquid chemicals (optional).
                                    Premium thermal protection – Protects against convective and radiant
                                    heat, EN ISO 11612 A1,B1,C1: 2008 (Industrial flame and heat hazards).
                                    Anti-static for explosion risk protection – Due to the inclusion of p140
                                    fibres, this fabric is anti-static and complies with EN 1149-3: 2004.
                                    Limited chemical protection – Protects against splashes through Hydro-Tec,
                                    an innovative nanotechnology finish (complies with EN 13034: 2005).
                                    Highly durable – FR properties are built-in with excellent performance.

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