Page 242 - FT SAFETY CATALOG 2017-2018
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Steps to Customize your PPE
Various PPE items like work coveralls, trousers, helmets, reflective vests and more
Why URSPEC? are available for customization under our URSPEC program.
• Strengthens your corporate identity 2 DETERMINE COLOR, REFLECTIVE TAPE, AND LOGO LOCATION
Choose colors of your workwear, pocket design, reflective tapes and reinforcements.
• Builds industry recognition Different placement options and color themes are available to customize your
• Creates a professional image uniforms that will greatly represent your company!
• Provides on-the-job recognition
• Increases employee’s pride 3 SUBMIT AND VERIFY ARTWORK
Our team will make and submit to you the artwork design of your customized PPE
for your verification and approval. Once all designs are approved and finalized,
Functional workwear is the key to it will be submitted to our production team.
productivity. The right workwear
provides necessary flexibility and ENJOY YOUR URSPEC PPE!
movement when right fabrics, styling 4 You can now enjoy the benefits of having your customized PPEs completed to
and durability suited the job. With a the highest quality. URPEC is a perfect method to represent your company and give
choice of methods for different types your employees comfort, necessary flexibility and functionality suited for the job.
of garments, there’s something to suit
your needs.
Professionally Designed Logos
Safety Improved
Right workwear can play a large URSPEC® logo is the perfect method to represent your company. Embroidered or printed
role in on-the-job safety, providing images can be applied to the garments at the size and position you require. Offers a wide
necessary protection from workplace selection of emblem background and border combinations to complement whatever the
hazards. A well-designed uniform garment color or pattern may be.
program focuses on safety, comfort,
durability and nature of the work being Types of Logos:
Computerized Embroidery
Security Enhanced Computerized embroidery compared to print is more three
A consistent uniform program adds dimensional, offering high luster and textured effects. It is
to the security of a job site. Requiring associated with quality, adding value to product in both the
employees to wear recognizable visual and tactile fields of consumer appreciation.
clothing makes it easier to keep tabs
and identifies them from clients
which are important factors in today’s
security-conscious world.
White, White, White, White, Light Green, Light Grey, Red, Blue,
White Blue Yellow Red Green Black White White
Image Registered
Customers can often be reluctant Silk Screen Printing
to open their doors to workers they The most versatile of all printing processes as it can be used
can’t immediately identify. Employees to print on a wide variety of substrates and materials of any
in uniform are easily recognizable, shape, thickness and size. A wider range of inks and dyes are
putting your customers at ease and available for use in screen printing than for use in any other
helping to ensure repeat business. printing process.
Get the Benefits of Mobile Advertising Heat Press Printing
Logo-imprinted apparel works double It uses a heat press machine engineered to imprint a design
duty if your staffs are out on job or graphic on a substrate with the application of heat and
sites making sales or service calls. pressure for a present period of time.
Everywhere an employee goes, your
logo goes, thus building added
awareness and name recognition.
Customized Name Tags
Research Shows
People have greater confidence in From security to marketing your business, name badges provide
companies with uniformed employees. a myriad of advantages. It can make a positive impact on your
We offer a wide range of customized customer service culture. Name tags build your employees
workwear, promoting credibility and identity, help address one another and improves security in the
trust. workplace.