Page 246 - FT SAFETY CATALOG 2017-2018
P. 246

SAFETY SIGNS &  POSTERS                                                                                                                                                           SAFETY SIGNS & POSTERS

                                              GLOBAL STANDARDS

                                              The Regulations require employers to ensure that safety signs are provided (or are in
                                              place) and maintained in circumstances where there is a significant risk to health and
                                              safety that has not been removed or controlled by other methods. This is only appropriate
                                              where use of a sign can further reduce the risk. Safety signs are not a substitute for those
                                              other methods of control.
            SAFETY                            BS 5499 Standard

                                              BS 5499 covers all safety warning sign, including fire safety signs and is compatible with
             SIGNS & POSTERS                  the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. It is also compatible
                                              with the ISO standards relevant to fire signs but in regards to EC Safety Signs Directive
                                              92/58/EEC – fire exit signs there is some confusion.
        FT offers a wide range of Signs and
        Posters that includes mandatory       BS 5499 Part 4
                                              BS 5499 part 4 is devoted to escape route signing and while good sign design practice is
        workplace safety signage as well as   important, the correct application and positioning of those signs is of equal significance
        customized options for specific size   in ensuring an effective signing system is in place. The size and positioning of signs
        requirements or messages made for     within a building should form a major part of the package. It clearly and concisely deals
                                              with all aspects of the design of an effective escape route signing system.
        your activity and requirements.

        Our in-house Product Development                                   • Sign type, sign size and viewing distance
        and Design guarantees top quality,       Points to                 • Construction durability and suitability
                                                                           • Servicing and maintenance
        accuracy and swift delivery.             consider                  • Illustrations (use of safety signs)
                                                                           • Use of arrows to indicate direction of travel
        We make sure our signage and posters
        are in best quality and meets the     It also deals with the issues associated with designing a co ordinated system of signing
        standards. FT offers value for money,   throughout any given building.  All safety signs must be properly maintained so that they
        as well as prompt service to make your   are capable of performing the function for which they are intended. Safety signs must
                                              be ensured that they are sufficiently large and clear to be easily seen and understood. All
        safety signs.                         safety signs require adequate illumination and size should be appropriate for intended
                                              viewing distance.

                                              COLOR GUIDE

                                               Color     Meaning                  Instruction and Information
                                                         Prohibition sign         Dangerous behavior
                                                                                  Stop, shutdown, emergency cut-out
                                                  RED    Danger alarm
                                                         Firefighting equipments  Identification and location
                                                                                  Be careful, take precautions
                                                YELLOW   Warning sign
                                                                                  Specific behavior or action
                                                  BLUE   Mandatory sign
                                                                                  Wear personal protective equipment
                                                         Emergency escape, first-aid   Doors, exits, routes, equipments,
                                                 GREEN   sign                     facilities
                                                         No danger                Return to normal

                                              GEOMETRICAL FORM/SHAPE MEANING

                                               Geometrical form   Meaning

                                                                  Mandatory and prohibition signs

                                                                  Warning signs

                 Safety Signs & Posters
                                                                  Emergency, information and additional signs

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